Work Here!!! Best workplace atmosphere anywhere.
Ask any of our employees, they’ll tell you:
It’s the best workplace they’ve ever had.
You WILL use your brain and not be expected to follow some lame script;
NO uniforms;
Bosses that know you’re a person and not a number, that know that respect goes both ways;
More free pizza than you can stand;
Several employee parties a year with staggering budgets…
And everything else that you expect: like competitive wages, flexible scheduling, employee discounts even when you are off, and more.
Yes, it’s a lot of work to throw this party, it’s a job, but just consider this: last time we checked, our average employee has been with us for over 3 years, and two-thirds for at least a year. Think about that.
Prefer to apply in in-person?
All of the above, plus: Interns are paid! We’ll work with Mizzou and make an internship that fits your needs. Ours is a tough program to even be considered for, but you will get paid to learn a lot, and you’ll really be doing something. Manager of Locally Sourced Products, Marketing Coordinator, and Training Systems Development are just some of our internships.
All the part time stuff, full time hours. Steady schedule every week. Start out part time while you’re in school, and then if you graduate or take off a semester, move to full time and stay in Columbia.
Yes, we have them: real salaries, 401k, health, vacation. Positions open rarely, and competition is tough. But if you’ve worked here or done an internship, and you drink our Kool-Aid, you might be in the running.
Expansion? Franchises? Shakespeare’s Pizza in St Louis, K.C., or beyond? There are no immediate plans and no promises, but we’re not ruling anything out, either. Get on the bus now!
There’s a lot more, and it won’t even begin to fit on this cheesy webpage. Contact [email protected] for a no-obligation meet and greet (pizza on us!)